Friday, August 22, 2014

The Tower of Babel?

First of all.... pathetic blogger that I am... it took me 20 minutes just to find my own blog. So it you are reading this.... wow, I'm impressed.
Because I use this format to natter ideas few people have the patience to listen to... again, I applaud you.
But here goes.... The Biblical account of the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11 -- but the general gist is: all people spoke the same language (I think it was English -- to perpetuate global unity and marketing advantage). The United Committee on Unification met and thought -- you know, we need to build something that shows just how powerful we are and truly stand for our united front. And so they did. They put a lot of energy into mixing mud and straw, forming bricks and baking them. The technical challenges of making the tallest tower in the world -- before they had the CN Tower to learn from -- was invigorated compliance of hands on mortar men.
You can read a modern account in Yertle the Turtle -- "oh marvelous he -- was king of the pond, it was all he could see." Of course, the little guy at the bottom saw nothing and carried the weight of the marvelous plan.... but that's for another time.
I wonder if the "Internet of Things" isn't an identical quest.
Forbes tells us that the Internet of Things is at the top of the "hype" cycle for marketers and product development.
While I apologize for insane reductivism -- basically the internet of things (Sometimes referred to as the "cloud" of things) is interconnectivity at its height. Simple people like me can hardly imagine the impact of embedded systems (from agriculture to pharmaceuticals to home systems). By embedded, we mean that connectivity (or the Internet of Things) is basically planted into something or someone. Things, buildings, plants, humans... anything/one.
Because you and me are having trouble keeping track of all our connected stuff (I've modelled it already by losing my blog momentarily)... the world of connected things will do it for me -- automatically.
It seems to me that to count on world control and human dominance by building the Internet of Things is pretty much the same agenda as that United Committee on Unification (yeah, yeah -- I made that up) and Yertle.
While trite.... I wonder if the world has changed very much. While brilliant women and men are designing algorithms to power the Internet of Things, a Missouri teen is buried because the police shot before talking, Ebola is spreading like wild fire in West Africa, power antics are playing out between Russia and the Ukraine and in the Middle East deathly lines are being drawn in the sand.
Power is a dangerous task master.
Believing that we have the control to rule the world can only have a very bad ending.